Friday, January 20, 2023

WHO defines health?

 WHO defines health?

"A state of whole health, no

t only the absence of disease or infirmity, encompassing entire physical, mental, and social well-being" –A complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being is what is meant by "health" according to the World Health Organization's Constitution, which went into effect on April 7, 1948. The tendency to view health as a condition depending on the presence or absence of diseases was something that the writers of the Constitution were well aware of, so...

the pioneer in medicine?
An aggressive form of cervical cancer was discovered in African American woman Henrietta Lacks. Cancer cells from her tumour were biopsyed as part of her therapy and discovered to be the first immortalized cell line.


initial medication?
German scientist Friedrich Sertürner created the first pharmacological medicine in 1804. In his laboratory, he isolated the primary component from opium and gave it the name "morphine," after the Greek deity of sleep.

first female physician?
image outcome
The first Indian woman to receive a medical degree in western medicine was Dr. Anandibai Gopalrao Joshi (31 March 1865 – 26 February 1887). She was the first woman from India's former Bombay presidency to study in the United States for two years and earn a degree in western medicine.

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